using System; using System.Text; namespace Super_ForeverAloneInThaDungeon { public class Game { // ugliest class I've ever written class DualWriter { ushort prevLength1 = 0; ushort prevLength2 = 0; public void dualWrite(string s1, string s2) { Console.Write(s1); if (s1.Length < prevLength1) { for (int i = 0; i < prevLength1 - s1.Length; i++) Console.Write(' '); } prevLength1 = (ushort)s1.Length; if (s2.Length < prevLength2) { Console.CursorLeft = Console.WindowWidth - prevLength2; for (int i = 0; i < prevLength2 - s2.Length; i++) Console.Write(' '); } else Console.CursorLeft = Console.WindowWidth - s2.Length; prevLength2 = (ushort)s2.Length; Console.Write(s2); } } struct Room { public readonly string name; public Point where, end; public Room(Point w, Point e, ref Random ran) { this.where = w; this.end = e; string dung = Constants.dungeonNameParts[ran.Next(0, Constants.dungeonNameParts.Length)]; if (ran.Next(2) == 0) = string.Format("{0} of The {1} {2}", dung, Constants.namefwords[ran.Next(0, Constants.namefwords.Length)], Constants.nameswords[ran.Next(0, Constants.nameswords.Length)]); else if (ran.Next(2) == 0) { if (dung[dung.Length - 1] != 's') dung += 's'; = string.Format("{0} of {1}", dung, Constants.namewords[ran.Next(0, Constants.namewords.Length)]); } else { = string.Format("The {0} {1}", Constants.namefwords[ran.Next(0, Constants.namewords.Length)], dung); } } } enum State { Default, Inventory, Combat, Pause, ThrowingSpear } public static char scrollChar; static char yWall, xWall, lupWall, ldownWall, rupWall, rdownWall, lSplitWall, rSplitWall; bool hack = true; bool drawOnceAfterInit = true; // Environment Room[] rooms; // Player stuff string currentWeapon = "Spear"; sbyte damageMultiplier = 0; // Div Random ran; State state = State.Default; DualWriter dInfoWriter1 = new DualWriter(); DualWriter dInfoWriter2 = new DualWriter(); // Why can't we just do old DualWriter(); ? // Player Point playerPos; string message = "Wow I didn't initiliaze apperantly..."; Tile[,] tiles; /// /// Gets or sets your mother's car windscreenwiper. /// /// Default: 100, 30 public Game(Point size) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(437); Console.Title = "SuperForeverAloneInThaDungeon"; Console.SetWindowSize(size.X, size.Y + 3); Console.BufferHeight = Console.WindowHeight; tiles = new Tile[size.X, size.Y]; // !UNSAFE! Encoding e = Encoding.GetEncoding(437); yWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 186 })[0]; xWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 205 })[0]; lupWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 201 })[0]; ldownWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 200 })[0]; rupWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 187 })[0]; rdownWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 188 })[0]; lSplitWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 204 })[0]; rSplitWall = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 185 })[0]; scrollChar = e.GetChars(new byte[] { 166 })[0]; init(); } void makeCorridor(Point from, Point to) { } void setDungeonToEmpty() { for (int a = 0; a < tiles.GetLength(0); a++) for (int b = 0; b < tiles.GetLength(1); b++) tiles[a, b] = new Tile(TileType.None); } void spawnPlayerInRoom(Room r) { Point where = r.where; Point end = r.end; where.X++; where.Y++; end.X--; end.Y--; playerPos = new Point(-1, -1); while (!isValidMove(playerPos)) playerPos = new Point(ran.Next(where.X, end.X + 1), ran.Next(where.Y, end.Y + 1)); tiles[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y] = new Player(); } void genererateRoom(Room r) { Point where = r.where; Point end = r.end; for (int i = where.X; i <= end.X; i++) { tiles[i, where.Y].setTile(TileType.Wall); tiles[i, where.Y].drawChar = xWall; tiles[i, end.Y].setTile(TileType.Wall); tiles[i, end.Y].drawChar = xWall; } for (int i = where.Y; i <= end.Y; i++) { tiles[where.X, i].setTile(TileType.Wall); tiles[where.X, i].drawChar = yWall; tiles[end.X, i].setTile(TileType.Wall); tiles[end.X, i].drawChar = yWall; } // corners tiles[where.X, where.Y].drawChar = lupWall; tiles[where.X, end.Y].drawChar = ldownWall; tiles[end.X, where.Y].drawChar = rupWall; tiles[end.X, end.Y].drawChar = rdownWall; where.X++; where.Y++; end.X--; end.Y--; for (int x = where.X; x <= end.X; x++) for (int y = where.Y; y <= end.Y; y++) { if (ran.Next(0, 51) == 50) tiles[x, y] = new Money(ran.Next(1, 6)); else if (ran.Next(0, 1000) == 500) tiles[x, y] = new Scroll(ref ran); else if (ran.Next(0, 801) == 213) tiles[x, y] = new Snake(ref ran); else tiles[x, y].setTile(TileType.Air); } } Room getDungeonAt(Point p) { for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Length; i++) { if (p.X >= rooms[i].where.X && p.X <= rooms[i].end.X && p.Y >= rooms[i].where.Y && p.Y <= rooms[i].end.Y) return rooms[i]; } return new Room(); } Point getRandomWallPoint(Room r, byte direction) { switch (direction) { default: return new Point(ran.Next(r.where.X + 1, r.end.X), r.where.Y); // Return up case 1: return new Point(ran.Next(r.where.X + 1, r.end.X), r.end.Y); case 2: return new Point(ran.Next(r.where.Y + 1, r.end.Y), r.where.X); case 3: return new Point(ran.Next(r.where.Y + 1, r.end.Y), r.end.X); } } void init() { ran = new Random(); setDungeonToEmpty(); Room dungeon1 = new Room(new Point(ran.Next(0, 20), ran.Next(0, 10)), new Point(ran.Next(32, 80), ran.Next(12, 30)), ref ran); genererateRoom(dungeon1); spawnPlayerInRoom(dungeon1); message = "Welcome, " + ((Player)tiles[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y]).name + "!"; // I could have just used Environment.UserName since the = Environment.UserName... :~) rooms = new Room[] { dungeon1 }; draw(); loop(); } void loop() { #region default state if (state == State.Default) { ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key; Point toAdd = new Point(); bool doNotCallDraw = false; switch (key) { case ConsoleKey.Escape: Environment.Exit(0); break; case ConsoleKey.R: init(); break; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: toAdd.X--; break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: toAdd.X++; break; case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: toAdd.Y--; break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: toAdd.Y++; break; case ConsoleKey.Tab: state = State.Inventory; Console.Clear(); drawOnceAfterInit = true; loop(); return; case ConsoleKey.S: if (currentWeapon == "Spear") state = State.ThrowingSpear; else doNotCallDraw = true; loop(); return; default: doNotCallDraw = true; break; } if (toAdd.X != 0 || toAdd.Y != 0) { Point toCheck = new Point(playerPos.X + toAdd.X, playerPos.Y + toAdd.Y); if (hack || isValidMove(toCheck)) { Point old = playerPos; Tile preCopy = tiles[toCheck.X, toCheck.Y]; preCopy.needsToBeDrawn = true; tiles[old.X, old.Y].needsToBeDrawn = true; Player p = (Player)tiles[old.X, old.Y]; p.onMove(); bool abort = false; if (preCopy is Creature) { processCreatureFight(ref tiles[toCheck.X, toCheck.Y]); abort = true; } else if (preCopy.tiletype == TileType.Money) { int money = ((Money)preCopy).money; string s = ""; if (money != 1) s = "s"; message = "You found " + money + " coin" + s + "!"; ((Player)tiles[old.X, old.Y]).money += money; preCopy = new Tile(TileType.Air); } else if (preCopy.tiletype == TileType.Scroll) { if (p.addInventoryItem(((Scroll)preCopy).invItem)) { message = "You have found " + ((Scroll)preCopy).scroll; preCopy = new Tile(TileType.Air); } else message = Constants.invFullMsg; } else message = toCheck.ToString(); if (!abort) { tiles[toCheck.X, toCheck.Y] = tiles[old.X, old.Y]; Creature c = (Creature)tiles[toCheck.X, toCheck.Y]; tiles[old.X, old.Y] = c.lastTile; c.lastTile = preCopy; playerPos = toCheck; } } } if (!doNotCallDraw) for (int x = 0; x < tiles.GetLength(0); x++) for (int y = 0; y < tiles.GetLength(1); y++) { if (tiles[x, y] is Creature) { Point p = getPointTowardsPlayer(x, y); if (isValidMove(p)) { Tile preCopy = tiles[p.X, p.Y]; preCopy.needsToBeDrawn = true; tiles[p.X, p.Y] = tiles[x, y]; Creature c = (Creature)tiles[p.X, p.Y]; c.needsToBeDrawn = true; tiles[x, y] = c.lastTile; c.onTileEncounter(ref preCopy); c.lastTile = preCopy; } } } if (!doNotCallDraw) draw(); } #endregion #region inventory state else if (state == State.Inventory) { drawInventory(); ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key; switch (key) { case ConsoleKey.Tab: state = State.Default; Console.Clear(); reDrawDungeon(); loop(); return; case ConsoleKey.Escape: Environment.Exit(0); break; } } #endregion #region ThrowingSpear state else if (state == State.ThrowingSpear) { message = "Which direction?"; draw(); ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key; switch (key) { // Think backwards here: If you need to go UP in an ARRAY, what do you need to do? case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: handleSpear(0, -1); break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: handleSpear(0, 1); break; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: handleSpear(-1, 0); break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: handleSpear(1, 0); break; default: message = playerPos.ToString(); draw(); break; } state = State.Default; } #endregion loop(); } //!!!!! void processCreatureFight(ref Tile t) { Creature c = (Creature)t; Player p = (Player)tiles[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y]; int pdmg = ran.Next(p.damage.X, p.damage.Y) + damageMultiplier; message = string.Format("{0} {1}", Constants.getPDamageInWords(pdmg), c.tiletype); draw(); Console.ReadKey(); if (c.doDamage(pdmg, ref t)) { onDead(c.tiletype.ToString()); return; } int cdmg = c.hit(ref ran, ref p); message = string.Format("{0} {1}", c.tiletype, Constants.getCDamageInWords(cdmg)); draw(); Console.ReadKey(); if (p == null) onPlayerDead(); } void handleSpear(sbyte x, sbyte y) { Point curPoint = playerPos; for (byte i = 0; i < Constants.spearRange; i++) // Just saved you 24 bit of RAM! { curPoint.X += x; curPoint.Y += y; if (isInScreen(curPoint)) if (tiles[curPoint.X, curPoint.Y] is Creature) { int dmg = ran.Next(Constants.spearMinDmg + damageMultiplier, Constants.spearMaxDmg + damageMultiplier); message = string.Format("{0} {1}.", Constants.getPDamageInWords(dmg), tiles[curPoint.X, curPoint.Y].tiletype); draw(); Creature c = (Creature)tiles[curPoint.X, curPoint.Y]; if (c.doDamage(dmg, ref tiles[curPoint.X, curPoint.Y])) onDead(c.tiletype.ToString()); return; } } message = "I don't see any creature there!"; draw(); } Point getPointTowardsPlayer(int x, int y) { Point p = new Point(x,y); if (x < playerPos.X) p.X++; else if (x > playerPos.X) p.X--; if (y < playerPos.Y) p.Y++; else if (y > playerPos.Y) p.Y--; return p; } bool isValidMove(Point pos) { return (pos.X >= 0 && pos.Y >= 0 && pos.X < tiles.GetLength(0) && pos.Y < tiles.GetLength(1) && (tiles[pos.X, pos.Y].tiletype == TileType.Money || tiles[pos.X, pos.Y].tiletype == TileType.Air || tiles[pos.X, pos.Y].tiletype == TileType.Corridor || tiles[pos.X, pos.Y].tiletype == TileType.Scroll)); } bool isInScreen(Point pos) { return pos.X >= 0 && pos.X < tiles.GetLength(0) && pos.Y >= 0 && pos.Y < tiles.GetLength(1); } void reDrawDungeon() { Console.Clear(); Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); for (int x = 0; x < tiles.GetLength(0); x++) for (int y = 0; y < tiles.GetLength(1); y++) tiles[x, y].needsToBeDrawn = true; draw(); } void draw() { for (int y = 0; y < tiles.GetLength(1); y++) // Changed x-y, because of the "Enter problem", but it fixed it self by removing one line. { for (int x = 0; x < tiles.GetLength(0); x++) { if (tiles[x, y].needsToBeDrawn) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); Console.ForegroundColor = tiles[x, y].color; Console.Write(tiles[x, y]); tiles[x, y].needsToBeDrawn = false; } else if (tiles[x, y].needsToBeWiped) { Console.SetCursorPosition(x, y); Console.Write(' '); tiles[x, y].needsToBeWiped = false; } } } Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (drawOnceAfterInit) { drawOnce(Console.WindowWidth * 2); drawOnceAfterInit = false; } Console.SetCursorPosition(0, tiles.GetLength(1)); Player p = (Player)tiles[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y]; dInfoWriter1.dualWrite("Health: " +, "Money: " +; if (p.lastTile.tiletype != TileType.Air) dInfoWriter2.dualWrite(message, p.lastTile.tiletype.ToString()); else { string s = "O_o What the hell did you do this game?"; string name = getDungeonAt(playerPos).name; if (name != null) s = name; dInfoWriter2.dualWrite(message, s); } Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; } void drawOnce(int amount) { Point orgin = new Point(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) Console.Write(' '); Console.SetCursorPosition(orgin.X, orgin.Y); } bool drawInvItem(InventoryItem item, object name, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.Yellow) { Point orgin = new Point(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop); // Stop trying to make IndexOutOfRangeException happen. It's not going to happen. if (item.image.GetLength(0) + 1 + orgin.X > Console.WindowWidth || item.image.GetLength(1) + 1 + orgin.Y > Console.WindowHeight) return false; // I know this code won't be easy to understand, but hey, it works! string line = ""; for (int i = 0; i < item.image.GetLength(1) + 2; i++) line += xWall; string invNumber = name.ToString(); string top = line; string bottom = line; int index = top.Length / 2; int insrt = invNumber.Length / 2; if (invNumber.Length == 1) top = top.Remove(index, 1).Insert(index, invNumber).Remove(0, invNumber.Length).Insert(0, lupWall.ToString()).Remove(top.Length - 1, 1) + rupWall; else { top = top.Remove(index, insrt).Insert(index - insrt, invNumber); int leng = insrt; if (leng + index + invNumber.Length > top.Length) leng--; top = top.Remove(index + invNumber.Length, leng); if (leng != insrt) top = top.Remove(top.Length - 2, 1); // Uneven check if (name.ToString().Length % 2 != 0) { top = top.Remove(0, 1); insrt++; } top = top.Remove(0, 1).Insert(0, lupWall.ToString()).Remove(top.Length - 2, 1) + rupWall; } bottom = bottom.Remove(0, 1).Insert(0, lSplitWall.ToString()).Remove(bottom.Length - 1, 1) + rSplitWall; for (int y = 0; y < item.image.GetLength(0); y++) { Console.ForegroundColor = item.color; for (int x = 0; x < item.image.GetLength(1); x++) { Console.SetCursorPosition(orgin.X + 1 + x, y + 1); Console.Write(item.image[y, x].ToString()); } Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(yWall); Console.CursorLeft = orgin.X; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(yWall); } Console.CursorLeft = orgin.X; Console.CursorTop++; Console.Write(bottom); // Description stuff string[] lines = Constants.getReadableString(item.description, item.image.GetLength(1)); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { Console.CursorTop++; Console.CursorLeft = orgin.X; Console.Write(yWall); Console.ForegroundColor = color; Console.Write(lines[i]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write(yWall); } Console.CursorTop++; Console.CursorLeft = orgin.X; Console.Write(bottom.Remove(0, 1).Insert(0, ldownWall.ToString()).Remove(bottom.Length - 1, 1) + rdownWall); Console.CursorLeft = orgin.X; Console.CursorTop = orgin.Y; //Console.Write(top); insrt = index - insrt; for (int i = 0; i < insrt; i++) Console.Write(top[i]); Console.ForegroundColor = color; for (int i = insrt; i < insrt + invNumber.Length; i++) Console.Write(top[i]); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; for (int i = insrt + invNumber.Length; i < top.Length; i++) Console.Write(top[i]); return true; } void drawInventory() { Player p = (Player)tiles[playerPos.X, playerPos.Y]; for (byte i = 0; i < p.inventory.Length; i++) drawInvItem(p.inventory[i], i); drawInvItem(Constants.spear, currentWeapon); } #region "constant" messages methods void onDead(string name) { message = "You have defeated " + name + "!"; draw(); Console.ReadKey(); } void onPlayerDead() { message = "GAME OVER"; draw(); Console.ReadKey(); onPlayerDead(); } #endregion } class InventoryItem { public string name, description; public char[,] image; public ConsoleColor color; public InventoryItem(string name, string description, char[,] image, ConsoleColor color) { = name; this.description = description; this.image = image; this.color = color; } } class Tile { public char drawChar; public bool lighten = true; public bool needsToBeDrawn = true; public bool needsToBeWiped = false; public ConsoleColor color; public TileType tiletype; public Tile(TileType tp = TileType.None) { setTile(tp); } public void setTile(TileType tp) { needsToBeDrawn = true; tiletype = tp; switch (tp) { default: drawChar = ' '; break; case TileType.Air: drawChar = '.'; color = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; break; case TileType.Wall: drawChar = '#'; // This should be corridor... color = ConsoleColor.Gray; break; case TileType.Money: drawChar = '*'; color = ConsoleColor.Yellow; break; } } public override string ToString() { return drawChar.ToString(); } } class Scroll : Tile { // I just wrote a special program for this so you can easily calculate that. // Now I think: Why not just a string? readonly static char[,] inventoryScreenScroll = new char[,] { {' ','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ' }, { '(',')','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_',')',' ',' ',' ',' ' }, { ' ','\\',' ','~','~','~','~','~','~','~','~',' ','\\',' ',' ',' ' }, { ' ',' ','\\',' ','~','~','~','~','~','~',' ',' ',' ','\\',' ',' ' }, { ' ',' ',' ','\\','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','\\',' ' }, { ' ',' ',' ','(',')','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_',')'} }; public string scroll; public InventoryItem invItem; public Scroll(ref Random ran) { if (ran.Next(0, 2) == 1) { this.scroll = string.Format("\"The Scroll of The {0} {1}\"", Constants.namefwords[ran.Next(Constants.namefwords.Length)], Constants.nameswords[ran.Next(Constants.nameswords.Length)]); this.color = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan; } else { this.scroll = string.Format("\"The scroll of {0}\"", Constants.namewords[ran.Next(Constants.namewords.Length)]); this.color = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta; } this.drawChar = Game.scrollChar; this.tiletype = TileType.Scroll; invItem = new InventoryItem(scroll, scroll, inventoryScreenScroll, color); } } class Money : Tile { public int money; public Money(int value) { tiletype = TileType.Money; money = value; drawChar = '*'; color = ConsoleColor.Yellow; } } class Creature : Tile { public int health = 25; public int money = 0; public Point damage = new Point(1, 4); public Tile lastTile = new Tile(TileType.Air); /*public Creature() { tiletype = TileType.Creature; lastTile = new Tile(TileType.Air); }*/ public void onTileEncounter(ref Tile t) { if (t.tiletype == TileType.Money) { money += ((Money)t).money; t = new Tile(TileType.Air); } } /// /// DIE YOU ANIMAL! /// /// HOW HARD DO YOU WANT TO DIE ? /// Where do I need to dig your grave ? /// Is he dead now? public bool doDamage(int dmg, ref Tile t) { health -= dmg; if (health <= 0) { t = new Money(; return true; } return false; } public int hit(ref Random ran, ref Player p) { int dmg = ran.Next(damage.X, damage.Y); Tile t = (Tile)p; p.doDamage(dmg, ref t); if (t.tiletype != TileType.Player) p = null; return dmg; } public void move(Tile old) { this.lastTile = old; } } class Player : Creature { public InventoryItem[] inventory = new InventoryItem[0]; public string name = Environment.UserName; public uint xp = 0; public uint level = 0; public int maxHealth = 25; private byte hMoves = 0; public Player() { tiletype = TileType.Player; drawChar = '☺'; color = ConsoleColor.Magenta; damage = new Point(1, 5); } public bool addInventoryItem(InventoryItem item) { if (inventory.Length >= 10) return false; Array.Resize(ref inventory, inventory.Length + 1); inventory[inventory.Length - 1] = item; return true; } public void onMove() { if (health >= maxHealth) return; hMoves++; if (hMoves >= 4) { health++; hMoves = 0; } } } class Snake : Creature { public Snake(ref Random ran) { money = ran.Next(1, 5); tiletype = TileType.Snake; drawChar = 'S'; color = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; damage = new Point(1, 3); } } public struct Point { public int X; public int Y; public Point(int x = 0, int y = 0) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; } public override string ToString() { return "Point { X: " + X + " Y: " + Y + " }"; } } enum TileType { None, Air, Wall, Money, Player, Corridor, Torch, Scroll, Snake, Potion, Chest } static class Constants { public static readonly string[] dungeonNameParts = new string[] { "Prisons", "Dungeon", "Tunnels", "Chamber", "Tombs", "Cells", "Lair", "Cave", "Catacombs", "Caverns" }; public readonly static string[] namefwords = new string[] { "Witty", "Ancient", "Evil", "Heartless", "Furious", "Screaming", "Mighty", "Infamous", "Loved", "Isolated", "Withered", "Magic", "Undead", "Mystic", "Dark"}; public readonly static string[] nameswords = new string[] { "Orc", "Elf", "Prisoner", "Dragon", "Angel", "Demon", "Giant", "Ghost", "Cobra", "Warrior", "Phantom", "Hunter", "Phoenix" }; public readonly static string[] namewords = new string[] { "Blindness", "Resurrection", "Power", "Acceptance", "Tears", "Undead" }; public const string invFullMsg = "Inventory full!"; public readonly static InventoryItem spear = new InventoryItem("Spear", "The most glorious weapon in the entire dungeon!", new char[,] { {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','/','|' },{ ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','/',' ','|' }, { ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','/','/',' ' },{ ' ',' ',' ',' ','/','/',' ',' ' },{ ' ',' ',' ','/','/',' ',' ',' ' },{ ' ',' ','/','/',' ',' ',' ',' '} }, ConsoleColor.Gray); // Weapons public const byte spearRange = 2; // two tiles public const byte spearMinDmg = 5; public const byte spearMaxDmg = 10; public static string getPDamageInWords(int dmg) { if (dmg == 0) return "You have tried to attack"; else if (dmg > 0 && dmg < 5) return "You did a simple hit on"; else if (dmg >= 5 && dmg < 10) return "You did a great hit on"; else return "You did a critical hit on"; } public static string getCDamageInWords(int dmg) { if (dmg < 0) return "has healed you with " + dmg; else if (dmg == 0) return "missed you"; else if (dmg > 0 && dmg < 5) return "did a simple hit on you"; else if (dmg >= 5 && dmg < 10) return "did a great hit on you"; else return "did a great hit on you"; } public static string[] getReadableString(string input, int lineLength) { string[] sInput = input.Split(' '); string[] lines = new string[input.Length]; string currentLine = ""; int a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sInput.Length; i++) { if (currentLine.Length + sInput[i].Length < lineLength) { if (currentLine.Length > 0) if (currentLine.Length + sInput[i].Length + 1 <= lineLength) currentLine += ' '; else { // GOD DAMNIT! NEED TO DO IT TWICE lines[a] = fillUpEmptySpace(currentLine, lineLength); a++; currentLine = ""; i--; } currentLine += sInput[i]; } else if (currentLine.Length <= 0) { lines[a] = sInput[i].Remove(lineLength, sInput[i].Length - lineLength); sInput[i] = sInput[i].Remove(0, lineLength); a++; i--; } else { lines[a] = fillUpEmptySpace(currentLine, lineLength); a++; currentLine = ""; i--; } } if (currentLine != "") { lines[a] = fillUpEmptySpace(currentLine, lineLength); a++; } Array.Resize(ref lines, a); return lines; } public static string fillUpEmptySpace(string s, int l, char c = ' ') { l -= s.Length; for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) s += c; return s; } } }